Virus Checker and Firewall issues
If you have a virus checker and/or firewall installed, they WILL try and prevent Classmaker from running the first time. Some virus checkers are so zealous they even delete some of Classmaker's files before they can be run! The reason for this intrusive behaviour is because Classmaker uses TCP/IP ports and spawns child processes to communicate with it's database. I don't want to remove that functionality because doing so would remove Classmaker's ability to be multi-user capable, would increase the likelihood of database corruption and stop it's rapid start-up times once the server components are running.All the files the virus checker and/or firewall don't like have been compiled by me. They DO NOT contain viruses or malware. They will need your approval for Classmaker to work.
The Windows batch files located in the Scripts directory.
.\PocketClassmaker\IsectD\execd.exe. Some virus checkers may even delete execd.exe automatically. This is because execd.exe spawns child processes. You may have to look in the virus checker for an option that lets you restore execd.exe.
By now you should see two minimised console windows at the bottom of your screen, called execd.exe and isectd.exe. If execd.exe is not there, close isectd.exe and run StartServer.bat again.
Classmaker.exe is the final file that will need approving. As soon as you see the Classmaker's Calendar screen appear, you are in business.
Because PocketClassmaker is a portable app, there is no need to uninstall and reinstall it when things go wrong. Sometimes just running something twice is all that's needed to overcome virus checker and/or firewall problems. If it gets to be too much just delete the PocketClassmaker directory tree and you're done.